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The Global RFID Components Market, RFID Getting Closer to Our Life
The global industry for RFID technology has been growing steadily over the past few years and is expected to grow rapidly before stabilizing and settling on a steady growth path. According to Research and Markets, in future, major growth will be seen in countries like the U.S.A.,...
Intelligent Video Analytics: Finding the `Killer App`
How is the embedding of intelligent video analytics changing the face of physical security? The transition to embedded video analytics devices is in full swing. Enabled by higher speed DSPs and massively parallel processors, manufacturers have been able to pack more analytics fu...
Effect of Ineffective Communication
Ineffective communication causes contractors to lose ground while some contractors gain competitive edge with communications choreography.
Integrating Systems Together
Westminster Abbey puts faith in new wireless integrated security management.
AVIATION SECURITY: In-flight Text Messaging
In-flight cell phone ban could hurt U.S. competitiveness, according to Freesky Research.Over the last year, close to a dozen airlines have announced plans to allow passengers to send text messages from their own cell phones. Passengers in Australia, France, Turkey, Ireland, Mala...
Is the U.S. Financial System Any Safer?
There remains key vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system from terrorists and other criminals. Five years after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security began operations, ¡°there remain key vulnerabilities in the financial system from terrorists and other criminals,¡± says fin...
Logical/Physical Security Convergence: Sensible Business Strategy
Best-in-class companies are taking proactive steps to ensure that their investments in security and compliance controls directly support their objectives for the business.
The Quandary of Video Analytics: Pearls in the Mud
Choose real intelligent video in the noisy and confused market.While walking the aisles of the seemingly endless stream of security and surveillance trade shows -- Sicur, ISC West, SecuTech, IFSEC, Security World Expo, ASIS, Essen, CPSE -- have you ever asked yourself if all of t...
Visitor management: Tightly Integrated with Access Control
EasyLobby, a comprehensive software provider for electronic visitor management, makes its customers more efficient and secure with professional and easy-to-use software solutions tightly integrated with productivity-enhancing hardware accessories. Howard Marson, CEO of EasyLobby...
Watching the Grand Canyon
The vast majority of visitors are well behaved, but with close to five million people passing through the park gates every year, even a small percentage of bad apples can generate a logjam of customer service issues.
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